Why, And How, We Are Erasing Google From The Face Of The Earth
Why they are being destroyed:
1. Google is a criminal organization operating like a "tech mafia" and
we know it from insider knowledge. We have seen Google bribe hundreds of
politicians, run massive tax evasion operations, sell voter private
reports to political parties, hide money in real estate scams, run Dark
Money political payola scams, spy on the public, censor the news,
black-list competitors, sexually abuse employees, and worse...
2. Google put a hit job on us, and others, and refused to pay for our
damages that they caused. Additionally Google paid for and operated a
global media attack in partnership with Nick Denton's tabloid empire.
Google and it's affiliates made and posted defamation videos and attack
articles around the globe, in front of 8 billion people, and locked them
on the top line of the front page of all Google, YouTube and other
search results, day-after-day for over a decade. This exposed the fact
that everything that Google does is manually biased and dialed-in by
Google executives in order to mass manipulate the public and elections.
Kent Walker, David Carl Drummond, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Jared Cohen,
Sergey Brin and their criminal pack of lawyers, VC's, crooked lobbyists
and Fusion GPS assassins know exactly what this is about because they
came to our offices, spied, and stole technology from us. Now they are
acting-out, like spoiled fraternity house oligarch babies, because we
reported them to Congress, Federal law enforcement and the EU
investigators. Google refused to come to the arbitration
table or jury hearings and blocked every attempt to address the issues
through the justice system! Now they are being destroyed using 100%
legal tools.
How They Are Being Destroyed:
The Interdiction Tactics Being Used To Terminate Google-
1) Break up Google’s global monopoly. Send a complaint
letter about your realization that Google is an “Illicit Monopoly
which controls the primary points of web access, and then
censorspublic information in order to eliminate anything that does
not comply with Eric Schmidt's ideology” to the anti-trust and
regulatory commissions in each nation on Earth. Organize groups to
do this in large volumes. Allowing Google to keep its monopoly and
just add a bunch of new little “divisions” is NOT a break-up
beneficial to the public!
2) Google has manifested a system which records everything
you do and keeps a lifetime file on you, attached to your social
security number and name. Write every U.S. politician and demand
that laws be made to stop Google from doing that.
3) Google, and it's underling partners, create a
psychological profile of who you vote for, what your beliefs are,
what can be used to trick you into doing what Eric Schmidt and his
partners want, and what your dating life is like. Write letters to
Congress demanding that the FBI observe the erasure of all of those
illicit files Google keeps on you.
4) Every time you touch any network connected device, it is
recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in the master
surveillance file and digitally attached to your name, social
security number and global surveillance code. Never connect to a
Google product with anything that has a network modem, a plug or a
5) Anytime you “check in”, on any social media site, it is
recorded, analyzed, time-stamped, GPS located, and put in your
master surveillance file. Never “check-in” or “update” anything
about yourself on Google or other social media.
6) Google lies to advertisers by faking user stats and
impressions to make it look like Google is bigger than it is. A huge
number of “users” on Google are FAKE! Contact every company that
advertises on Google and encourage them to sue Google for fraud.
Contact every advertising organization and encourage them to file a
class-action lawsuit against Google for fraud.
7) Every single personal fact, text, email, comment, blog
response, form you fill out, or any other activity you conduct on,
near, or with your computer, phone or “smart device” goes into your
surveillance digital file to build a psychological, emotional,
political, financial and manipulation study of your life. Ask
Congress, the EU and all regulators to make it illegal for Google to
do this.
8) Google uses these surveillance tricks to try to make you
buy certain products, to make you vote for who Eric Schmidt wants
you to vote for and to steer you, subliminally, into believing what
Eric Schmidt believes. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators to
make it illegal for Google to do this.
9) Schmidt, and his minions, are able to actually rig the
Google system, around the world, to eliminate certain people, views,
perspectives or experiences. Ask Congress, the EU and all regulators
to make it illegal for Google to do this.
10) Eric Schmidt's sexual and marital deviancies are
documented in the media. Schmidt's deviant tendencies extend well
beyond the bedroom. Not quite so illuminated are his political and
ideological beliefs. Schmidt believes that, because he got some huge
government exclusives, which made him rich, that he is smarter than
everyone else. Expose ALL sides of Eric Schmidt and his Silicon
Valley Mafia, in the news. Schmidt has spent over $1B to try to keep
his name out of the news. Make sure he stays in the headlines and
gets (((exposed))).
11) Schmidt has used his billions to buy one of the largest
accruals of “Yes Men” the world has ever seen. He surrounds himself,
twenty deep, with whimpering hipster sycophants, who drone on,
endlessly, with affirmations of his self-aggrandizing ego. Deliver
messages to Schmidt, in person, at his home, office and public
events telling him what is really going on.
12) Schmidt placed many of his “Yes Men”, and “Yes Women”,
in the White House. No company, in modern America, has put more of
it's people inside the U.S. Government. DOX and Out every Google
agent in government offices.
13) Eric Schmidt bought The White House, the privacy of the
public and control of the Internet. Now it is up to the rest of the
world to decide if they want to roll over and let Eric Schmidt and
his Silicon Valley weasels shove it in, deep and hard, or, finally
reject Google across the map. Organize neighborhood anti-Google
postings on every bulletin board you can find.
14) Google receives hundreds of billions of dollars of
exclusive government handouts at the expense of taxpayers and
competitors. Write letters ordering your elected representatives to
cut-off all government contracts to Google.
15) Google operated a monopolistic empire using state and
federal funding in violation of anti-trust laws and business ethics.
Demand that the FTC file monopoly charges against Google and end the
16) Google ordered, and operated “hit jobs” on competitors
using state and federal staff and resources. Put the same kinds of
hit-jobs on every Google executive and VC.
17) Google has an executive team which strategically plans,
organizes and implements the penetration of state and federal
government agencies in order to illicitly steer funds and government
policy to the will of Google's owners.
18) Google pays its public policy agents with cash, stock
warrants, revolving door jobs, stock valuation manipulations, search
engine rigging and mass-market mood manipulation data rigging worth
tens of billions of dollars in unreported campaign funding and
influence buying. That is a felony. It is a violation of campaign
finance laws. Write to the FEC and demand that Google be prosecuted!
19) Google orders it’s staff, within government agencies,
to curtail all law enforcement and regulatory control of Google’s
actions. Google programs its employees to believe that anything that
Google does is for “the greater good” and that “Google mindfulness
must always prevail”in a manner that abuses naive young employees
and sets them up to not question Google’s actions.
20) “Citizens Arrest” Google executives and VC’s at their
homes, offices, trade-shows or restaurants and turn them in to the
FBI along with a CD of all of their crimes. Follow the correct
procedures for documenting and staging your Citizen’s Arrest of
Google VC’s and executives.
21) Use databases and VOAT.CO to track and expose the tax
evasion schemes, Irish false-fronts, PACS, Political stock market
bribes, Stock market rigging, Google’s staff and VC Hookers, voter
manipulations, expenses frauds, Crony Dept. of Energy and Dept. of
Transportation payola, election rigging and other forensically
documented crimes.
22) Google engages in the hiding of Internet links,
controlled by Google, in order to negatively affect the brand and
reputation and income of competitors, across the web, globally.
Report this and demand Congress stop Google.
23) Google engages in the posting of character
assassination articles about competitors, the production of which
were partially coordinated by Google staff and investors; , along
with with it's attack contractors, on the first line of the front
page of their search engine and locking those attacks there so that
no outside IT or other positive global news stories could move it.
Demand that Congress fund private funds to pay for lawsuits by the
public against Google to stop these attacks.
24) Google executives and venture capitalists have the
highest sexual abuse, sex trafficking and sexual deviancy record of
any corporation in the USA. Over 800 Google-related twisted sex
incidents have been recorded including: The Doy Katz underage sex
arrest; The Mike Goguen Anal Sex Slave Sex trafficking case; The
Eric Schmidt Sex Penthouse case; The Joe Lonsdale rape case; The
Ellen Pao Sex abuse case; The Ravi Kumar hooker death case; The
Forrest Hayes Sex murder case; The Stanford Frat house rape
cover-ups; The Intern sex abuse scandals; The Stanford Graduate
School of Google Teacher: The Brock Allen Turner Rapes; Dean Garth
Saloner Sex scandals; The Silicon Valley Hooker parties; The
Rosewood Hotel Thursday Night Sex Pick-up scene for Google VC’s, The
Larry Page/Elon Musk gay romp rumors; The Eric Schmidt Marriage
Cheating Scandal; The Elon Musk Divorces; The Plane-loads of
Ukrainian prostitutes being flown into SFO for Google Executives and
VC’s; The brutal assaults of women by Gurbaksh Chahal; The
#PizzaGate Connections to vast numbers of Google people; The Draper
Fisher Intern Rape Investigation; The Famous Gay Tech CEO’s Who Have
Wives” Revelations; The Sergey Brin 3 Way Sex Romp With His Google
Glasses Staff; and hundreds more need to be publicly discussed and
25) Upon legal receipt of removal demands from competitors
and their lawyers, Google refused, in writing, to remove the attacks
in order to damage competitors maximally. Public support needs to be
expanded to sue Google for refusing to cease attacks upon demand.
26) Google engages in DNS, web pointing, down-ranking and
search results targeting in order to damage the Internet operation
of competitors web-sites and press releases. This must be reported
to FTC and SEC as felony abuse of public rights.
27) Google’s competitors hired IT experts to do a
multi-year sting and IT analysis investigation, involving the
setting of hundreds of “trap servers” around the world, to prove,
over a five+ year period, that Google was manipulating search
results in order to damage some parties and falsely enhance others,
who were Google's covert partners. Other parties, including
universities, research groups, the European Union, The Government of
China, The Government of Russia and other parties, have now emulated
and proven these results showing definitive proof of Google's
malicious manipulation of the Internet in order to damage it's
competitors and promote it's friends while also damaging it's
friend's competitors. Google must be sued for these crimes. Sue each
Google Executive and VC, individually, one at a time, in Small
Claims Court!
28) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider Gawker Media.
29) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider Steve Spinner.
30) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider Wilson Sonsini.
31) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider Steven Chu.
32) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider and founding investor: In-Q-Tel.
33) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider John Doerr.
34) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider Vinod Khosla.
35) Track and publicly expose Google’s financial, stock
market, management, marketing, and personal relationship with attack
services provider New America Foundation.
36) Google sought to “Cheat Rather Than Compete” against
competitor’s products, which have now been proven, by industry
documentation, to have been superior to Google's. Expose Google as a
business cheater.
37) In light of the accruing charges and evidence, Google
was forced to break-up it's main operation, changing it's name from:
“Google” to “Alphabet”, in order to attempt to mitigate it's damages
in this, and other pending cases, by creating a false-front
structure whereby Google attempt to hide their tax and legal
liability obligations by, on paper, reducing the operation into
smaller parts. Expose Google’s sham corporate structure and shell
companies and recognize the entire operation, and each and every
part, and owner, as being liable for competitors damages.
38) Google copied dozens of competitors products, which the
federal patent office had issued patents and secured files on as
being first developed by others, years before any interest in, or
development by competitors. Google either gave away the copied
products, in order to terminate competitor's revenue opportunities,
or used billions of dollars of “unjust rewards” secured, according
to the U.S. Treasury, from ill-gotten gains via contract
manipulations and illegitimate tax loss write-offs and payola tax
waivers, to flood competitor's out of the market and order financing
blacklists to be created by their investors. The New York Times
article on Larry Page proves him to be a patent thief. Google’s
patent attorney runs the U.S. Patent Office. Demand that Google's
shill: Michelle Lee from the U.S. Patent Office be investigated and
that a public fund be established by Congress to help small
inventors who are attacked and blockaded by Google.
39) Google engaged in additional malicious harassment using
retained writers who did not disclose their “shill”, “meat puppet”,
“Troll” and “Click-Farm” media attack services function for Google.
Dox and Expose the media shills that Google hires.
40) Google engaged in other malicious activities, against
competitors, disclosed to competitors by whistle-blowers and
ex-employees of Google which are documented in Google electronic
communications. The NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI and Congress have all of
Googles emails since 2006. Demand public revelation of those emails.
41) Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Ann Wojcicki and Sergey Brin
did not build the first Google, they stole the technology from
others. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports,
Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a
public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to
investigate these charges.
42) Google, YouTube, Alphabet, Jigsaw, In-Q-Tel, and all of
their various front organizations, are controlled by the same people
with the same bizarre agenda. Competitors can prove it in court!
News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already
prove it. Demand an end to the cover-ups with letters to Congress.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
43) Google, and a company called Kleiner Perkins, have a
campaign payola deal with White House executives. This deal trades
search engine rigging for Cleantech “green money” handouts ordered
up by White House staff from various state and federal agencies.
Competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and
law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry
into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
44) Google has a contracted relationship with rogue groups,
like In- Q-Tel, Media Matters and New America Foundation; who use
U.S. treasury funds to attack competitors. competitors can prove it
in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports
already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand
a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
45) While it is well known that the CIA finances Google it
is unclear if Google works for the CIA or the CIA works for Google.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
46) Google staged a program to give “free” Google computers
and software to children in order to indoctrinate them when they are
young like McDonalds does by putting playgrounds at all of the
McDonalds. Google’s child propaganda effort copied the CIA’s South
American indoctrination program to a T. Demand a public inquiry into
these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
47) Google has paid money to Gawker Media and Gawker Media
has paid money to Google for smear campaigns to help Obama and
Debbie Wasserman. Members of the public can prove it in court! News
reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
48) Google and Gawker Media have a series of quid-pro-quo
relationships which provide for the mutual deployment of character
assassinations of their business and political enemies. Competitors
can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law
enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into
these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
49) Google has placed over 400 of Google’s staff inside of
the U.S. Government and the California State Government. competitors
can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law
enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into
these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
50) Google’s lawyer, and other Google associates, work in
and control the U.S. Patent Office for the protection of Google
patent territory. competitors can prove it in court! News reports,
Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a
public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to
investigate these charges.
51) Google has always had, and today fully has, total
control over the text, links, results, adjacent results and all
positioning of each and every Google search result and Mnemonic
impression and Google selectively adjusts those results in order to
harm competitors and political adversaries and hype investor friends
and partners like Elon Musk. Google lied to government regulators,
in multiple nations, when Google stated that executives had no
control over Google results. competitors can prove it in court! News
reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
52) Competitors, competitors lawyers and others sent
hundreds of communications to Google asking Google to stop
harassing, cyber-stalking and search engine locking attacks against
competitor's which Google refused to comply with and in fact,
increased the attacks mentioned herein. competitors can prove it in
court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports
already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand
a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
53) Google receives operational orders from White House
campaign financiers. competitors can prove it in court! News
reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
54) Google stated on the record that it’s search results
change every few hours yet Google locked each attack on competitors
on the same top lines of the front page of Google, around the
globe,for over five years without any shift in placement.
competitors can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and
law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry
into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
55) Google meets the legal definition as an organized crime
RICO-violation illicit “Cartel”. competitors can prove it in court!
News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports already
prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a
Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
56) Google lies about how many women and blacks it hires.
Expose this fact.
57) Google bribes politicians to get Google’s owned
politicians to harm Google’s competitors. Competitors can prove it
in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports
already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand
a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
58) Competitors placed thousands of server sensors in
different ISP’s in different locations around the entire internet
for extended periods of time in order to catch Google rigging the
internet and did, in fact, catch Google rigging the internet. Others
have emulated these tests and also caught Google rigging internet
results. competitors can prove it in court! News reports,
Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a
public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to
investigate these charges.
59) Google rigs the internet to hide misdeeds and company
failures by Elon Musk while, concurrently, pumping up and hyping
cover stories to hide those misdeeds because Larry Page and Elon
Musk are best boyfriends and Google owns parts of Tesla and Tesla
battery suppliers. Competitors can prove it in court! News reports,
Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a
public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor
toinvestigate these charges.
60) Email this document to anybody in your contact manager
that has a @Gmail address. Send this to everyone you discover with a
@Gmail address so you can save them from getting “data-raped and
privacy abused” by Google.
61) Google has received billions and billions of U.S.
Treasury money that were exclusively provided to Google. competitors
can prove it in court! News reports, Congressional and law
enforcement reports already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into
these charges. Demand a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these
62) Google pumps marketing hype for stock market
pump-and-dumps which inure exclusively to Google investors and
against Google enemies. competitors can prove it in court! News
reports,Congressional and law enforcement reports already prove it.
Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand a Federal
Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
63) Google sabotaged and circumvented competitor's
government funding and rerouted it to Google. competitors can prove
it in court! News reports, Congressional and law enforcement reports
already prove it. Demand a public inquiry into these charges. Demand
a Federal Prosecutor to investigate these charges.
64) Post this phrase everywhere you can: “FRIENDS DON’T
65) Write every trade office of every nation on Earth and
show them this document and tell them that “...most people hate
Google” and to “...not do business with Google or their citizens
will look upon them unkindly.”
66) Make certain that everyone in the world knows that:
Hidden Voice Commands Could Hijack Your Phone from up to 10 feet
away, or via embedded Youtube audio. (vocativ.com) and that nobody
should use Google’s YouTube.
67) Google uses cheap overseas labor to keep Americans out
of work. Sue Google and file charges with equal opportunity and job
rights organizations if Google discriminates against you because you
are a U.S. Citizen. Post notices on all Asian blogs about what a
lying, abusive, crappy employer Google is.
68) Put a President like Donald Trump in the White House.
69) Have Donald Trump and Congress make laws that stop
Google from doing Google’s crimes and domestic business abuses.
70) Expose Google’s entire DNS ring to every global
interdiction team that can provide counter-measures to Google’s
illegal control of information.
71) Find everyone that Google has abused and provide them
with a free, pre-written, in-pro-per lawsuit against Google.
72) Hire private a public investigators to hunt down all of
Google’s staff and VC’s illegal sex trafficking operations: ie:
Michael Goguen, Forrest Hayes, John Doerr, Sergy Brin, etc. (There
are hundreds) and help the victims sue those abusers.
73) Shut down every abuse of domestic workers by filing
lawsuits against Google’s abuse of Women, Blacks, Young Asain boys,
interns and other groups.
74) Lobby The White House for Executive Orders that make
Google stop running an illicit Cartel.
75) Sue each Google manager, director, owner and VC in
small claims court individually for the maximum amount that the
small claims court allows. Each voter should sue each executive of
Google and get their $5000.00, $10,000.00, etc. payments from Google
for Google’s damages to them on a personal basis.
76) Do not FOR EVEN ONE SECOND let Google PR shills spin
the hype that “Those were the previous people at Google that did all
of those bad things, we are all new and shiny and non-Evil” That is
their lie! The people at Google have gotten MORE evil!
77) Post, point to, link to and publicize the Corbett
Report videos about Google at:
https://www.corbettreport.com/ with such links as:
78) Call out each member of the U.S. Congress for being
such blind idiots and putting up with the Google executives lies and
"delay,and defer" tactics in public hearings. It is "beyond obvious"
that Google is a cult-like cartel of extremist manipulators. If
Congressional leaders are too stupid to understand how subliminal
messages and server-based mass behavior manipulation works then they
should not be in office. Google has no intention of "doing a better
job". Demand the arrest of Google executives.
Huge Covert Inside-Google Teams Engaged in Manual Interventions on
Google Search Results To Rig Elections And Stock Market Results
AT: https://www.thecreepyline.com
Forensic Proof That Google Is A Cult:
Google was created to become the
best-of-the-best, in mind-control, for social and political
Steven Hassan, renown cult interdiction
specialist and the author of " Combating Cult Mind Control" says: "...there are universal patterns of manipulation; someone who's
skilled (ie: Google) can figure out how to systematically and
incrementally manipulate you into a vulnerable isolated place
(like you computer screen) and start to control your information,
control your behavior, control your thinking...to make you
dependent and obedient. There are millions of people in mind
control cults like this..."
The biggest lie ever told is the one that
you tell yourself when you say that "subliminal messages and
digital mind control have no effect on you". They do! The more
you deny it, the better it works on you.
The young employees of Google are chosen
for their naive and impressionable characteristics and then, as with
Facebook, immersed in a synthetic bubble of ideological
echo-chambering in order to push the precepts of the "Google Youth".
- See even more proof and journalistic evidence at: MORE
Google has “huge teams” working on manual interventions in search
results, an apparent contradiction of sworn testimony made to Congress
by CEO Sundar Pichai, according to an internal post leaked
to Breitbart News.
“There are subjects that are prone to hyperbolic content, misleading
information, and offensive content,” said Daniel Aaronson, a member of
Google’s Trust & Safety team.
“Now, these words are highly subjective and no one denies that. But we
can all agree generally, lines exist in many cultures about what is
clearly okay vs. what is not okay.”
Breitbart TV
“In extreme cases where we need to act quickly on something that is so
obviously not okay, the reactive/manual approach is sometimes necessary.”
The comments came to light in a leaked internal discussion thread,
started by a Google employee who noticed that the company had recently
changed search results for “abortion” on its YouTube video platform, a
change which caused pro-life videos to largely disappear from the top ten
In addition to the “manual approach,” Aaronson explained that Google also
trained automated “classifiers” – algorithms or “scalable solutions” that
corrects “problems” in search results.
Aaronson listed three areas where either manual interventions or
classifier changes might take place: organic search (“The bar for changing
classifiers or manual actions on span in organic search is extremely high”),
YouTube, Google Home, and Google Assistant.
Aaronson’s post also reveals that there is very little transparency
around decisions to adjust classifiers or manually correct controversial
search results, even internally. Aaronson compared Google’s
decision-making process in this regard to a closely-guarded “Pepsi
According to an internal
discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News by a source within
the company, a Google employee took issue with Pichai’s remarks, stating
that it “seems like we are pretty eager to cater our search results to the
social and political agenda of left-wing journalists.”
According to the posts leaked by the source, revealed that YouTube, a
Google subsidiary, manually intervened on search results related to
“abortion” and “abortions.” The intervention caused pro-life videos to
disappear from the top ten search results for those terms, where they had
previously been featured prominently. The posts also show YouTube
intervened on search results related to progressive activist David Hogg
and Democrat politician Maxine Waters.
In a comment to Breitbart News, a Google spokeswoman also insisted that
“Google has never manipulated or modified the search results or content in
any of its products to promote a particular political ideology.”
Pichai might claim that he was just talking about Google, not YouTube,
which was the focus of the leaked discussion thread. But Aaronson’s post
extends to Google’s other products: organic search, Google Home, and
Google Assistant.
Aaronson is also clear that the manipulation of the search results that
are “prone to abuse/controversial content” is not a small affair, but are
the responsibility of “huge teams” within Google.
“These lines are very difficult and can be very blurry, we are all well
aware of this. So we’ve got huge teams that stay cognizant of these facts
when we’re crafting policies considering classifier changes, or reacting
with manual actions”
If Google has “huge teams” that sometimes manually intervene on search
results, it’s scarcely plausible to argue that Pichai might not know about
Aaronson’s full post is copied below:
I work in Trust and Safety and while I have no particular input as to
exactly what’s happening for YT I can try to explain why you’d have this
kind of list and why people are finding lists like these on Code Search.
When dealing with abuse/controversial content on various mediums you
have several levers to deal with problems. Two prominent levers are
“Proactive” and “Reactive”:
Proactive: Usually refers to some type of algorithm/scalable
solution to a general problem
E.g.: We don’t allow straight up porn on YouTube so we create a
classifier that detects porn and automatically remove or flag for
review the videos the porn classifier is most certain of
Reactive: Usually refers to a manual fix to something that has been
brought to our attention that our proactive solutions don’t/didn’t
work on and something that is clearly in the realm of bad enough to
warrant a quick targeted solution (determined by pages and pages of
policies worked on over many years and many teams to be fair and cover
necessary scope)
E.g.: A website that used to be a good blog had it’s domain
expire and was purchased/repurposed to spam Search results with
autogenerated pages full of gibberish text, scraped images, and
links to boost traffic to other spammy sites. It is manually
actioned for violating policy
Manually reacting to things is not very scalable, and is not an ideal
solution to most problems, so the proactive lever is really the one we
all like to lean on. Ideally, our classifiers/algorithm are good at
providing useful and rich results to our users while ignoring things at
are not useful or not relevant. But we all know, this isn’t exactly the
case all the time (especially on YouTube).
From a user perspective, there are subjects that are prone to
hyperbolic content, misleading information, and offensive content. Now,
these words are highly subjective and no one denies that. But we can all
agree generally, lines exist in many cultures about what is clearly okay
vs. what is not okay. E.g. a video of a puppy playing with a toy is
probably okay in almost every culture or context, even if it’s not
relevant to the query. But a video of someone committing suicide and
begging others to follow in his/her footsteps is probably on the other
side of the line for many folks.
While my second example is technically relevant to the generic query of
“suicide”, that doesn’t mean that this is a very useful or good video to
promote on the top of results for that query. So imagine a classifier
that says, for any queries on a particular text file, let’s pull videos
using signals that we historically understand to be strong indicators of
quality (I won’t go into specifics here, but those signals do exist).
We’re not manually curating these results, we’re just saying “hey, be
extra careful with results for this query because many times really bad
stuff can appear and lead to a bad experience for most users”. Ideally
the proactive lever did this for us, but in extreme cases where we need
to act quickly on something that is so obviously not okay, the
reactive/manual approach is sometimes necessary. And also keep in mind,
that this is different for every product. The bar for changing
classifiers or manual actions on span in organic search is extremely high.
However, the bar for things we let our Google Assistant say out loud
might be a lot lower. If I search for “Jews run the banks” – I’ll likely
find anti-semitic stuff in organic search. As a Jew, I might find some
of these results offensive, but they are there for people to research
and view, and I understand that this is not a reflection of Google feels
about this issue. But if I ask Google assistant “Why do Jews run the
banks” we wouldn’t be similarly accepting if it repeated and promoted
conspiracy theories that likely pop up in organic search in her
smoothing voice.
Whether we agree or not, user perception of our responses, results, and
answers of different products and mediums can change. And I think many
people are used to the fact that organic search is a place where content
should be accessible no matter how offensive it might be, however, the
expectation is very different on a Google Home, a Knowledge Panel, or
even YouTube.
These lines are very difficult and can be very blurry, we are all well
aware of this. So we’ve got huge teams that stay cognizant of these
facts when we’re crafting policies considering classifier changes, or
reacting with manual actions – these decisions are not made in a vacuum,
but admittedly are also not made in a highly public forum like TGIF or
IndustryInfo (as you can imagine, decisions/agreement would be hard to
get in such a wide list – image if all your CL’s were reviewed by every
engineer across Google all the time). I hope that answers some questions
and gives a better layer of transparency without going into details
about our “Pepsi formula”.
THE SMOKING GUN: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results for Abortion,
Maxine Waters, David Hogg In Order To Steer Politics And Stock Gains To
Palo Alto Mafia and Pelosi/Feinstein Families
Alex Wong, Win McNamee/Getty,
In sworn testimony, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told Congress last month
that his company does not “manually
intervene” on any particular search result. Yet an internal
discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News reveals Google regularly
intervenes in search results on its YouTube video platform – including a
recent intervention that pushed pro-life videos out of the top ten
search results for “abortion.”
The term “abortion” was added to a “blacklist” file for “controversial
YouTube queries,” which contains a list of search terms that the company
considers sensitive. According to the leak, these include some of these
search terms related to: abortion, abortions, the Irish abortion
referendum, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and anti-gun
activist David Hogg.
The existence of the blacklist was revealed in an internal Google
discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News by a source inside the
company who wishes to remain anonymous. A partial list of blacklisted
terms was also leaked to Breitbart by another Google source.
In the leaked discussion thread, a Google site reliability engineer
hinted at the existence of more search blacklists, according to the
“We have tons of white- and blacklists that humans manually curate,”
said the employee. “Hopefully this isn’t surprising or particularly
Others were more concerned about the presence of the blacklist.
According to the source, the software engineer who started the
discussion called the manipulation of search results related to abortion
a “smoking gun.”
The software engineer noted that the change had occurred following an inquiry from a
left-wing Slate journalist about the prominence of
pro-life videos on YouTube, and that pro-life videos were replaced with
pro-abortion videos in the top ten results for the search terms
following Google’s manual intervention.
“The Slate writer said she had complained last Friday and
then saw different search results before YouTube responded to her on
Monday,” wrote the employee. “And lo and behold, the [changelog] was
submitted on Friday, December 14 at 3:17 PM.”
The manually downranked items included several videos from Dr. Antony
Levatino, a former abortion doctor who is now a pro-life activist.
Another video in the top ten featured a woman’s personal story of being
pressured to have an abortion, while another featured pro-life
conservative Ben Shapiro. The Slate journalist who complained
to Google reported that
these videos previously featured in the top ten, describing them in her
story as “dangerous misinformation.”
Since the Slate journalist’s inquiry and Google’s
subsequent intervention, the top search results now feature
pro-abortion content from left-wing sources like BuzzFeed, Vice, CNN,
and Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. In her report, the Slate
journalist acknowledged that the search results changed shortly
after she contacted Google.
The manual adjustment of search results by a Google-owned platform
contradicts a key claim
made under oath by Google CEO Sundar Pichai in his congressional
testimony earlier this month: that his company does not “manually
intervene on any search result.”
A Google employee in the discussion thread drew attention to Pichai’s
claim, noting that it “seems like we are pretty eager to cater our
search results to the social and political agenda of left-wing
One of the posts in the discussion also noted that the blacklist had
previously been edited to include the search term “Maxine Waters” after
a single Google employee complained the top YouTube search result for
Maxine Waters was “very low quality.”
Google’s alleged intervention on behalf of a Democratic congresswoman
would be further evidence of the tech giant using its resources to prop
up the left. Breitbart News previously reported on leaked emails
revealing the company targeted pro-Democrat demographics in its
get-out-the-vote efforts in 2016.
According to the source, a software engineer in the thread also noted
that “a bunch of terms related to the abortion referendum in Ireland”
had been added to the blacklist – another change with potentially
dramatic consequences on the national policies of a western democracy.
At least one post in the discussion thread revealed the existence of a
file called “youtube_controversial_query_blacklist,” which contains a
list of YouTube search terms that Google manually curates. In addition
to the terms “abortion,” “abortions,” “Maxine Waters,” and search terms
related to the Irish abortion referendum, a Google software engineer
noted that the blacklist includes search terms related to terrorist
attacks. (the posts specifically mentions that the “Strasbourg terrorist
attack” as being on the list).
“If you look at the other entries recently added to the youtube_controversial_query_blacklist(e.g.,
entries related to the Strasbourg terrorist attack), the addition of
abortion seems…out-of-place,” wrote the software engineer, according to
the source.
After learning of the existence of the blacklist, Breitbart News
obtained a partial screenshot of the full blacklist file from a source
within Google. It reveals that the blacklist includes search terms
related to both mass shootings and the progressive anti-second amendment
activist David Hogg.
Responding to a request for comment, a YouTube spokeswoman said the
company wants to promote “authoritative” sources in its search results,
but maintained that YouTube is a “platform for free speech” that
“allow[s]” both pro-life and pro-abortion content.
YouTube’s full comment:
YouTube is a platform for free speech where anyone can choose to
post videos, as long as they follow our Community
Guidelines, which prohibit things like inciting
violence and pornography. We apply these policies impartially and we
allow both pro-life and pro-choice opinions. Over the last year
we’ve described how we are working to better surface
news sourcesacross our site for news-related
searches and topical information. We’ve improved our search and
discovery algorithms, built new features that clearly label and
prominently surface news sources on our homepage and search pages,
and introduced information panels to help give users more
authoritative sources where they can fact check information for
In the case of the “abortion” search results, YouTube’s intervention to
insert “authoritative” content resulted in the downranking of pro-life
videos and the elevation of pro-abortion ones.
A Google spokesperson took a tougher line than its YouTube subsidiary,
stating that “Google has never manipulated or modified the search
results or content in any of its products to promote a particular
political ideology.”
However, in the leaked discussion thread, a member of Google’s “trust
& safety” team, Daniel Aaronson, admitted that the company maintains
“huge teams” that work to adjust search results for subjects that are
“prone to hyperbolic content, misleading information, and offensive
content” – all subjective terms that are frequently used to suppress
right-leaning sources.
He also admitted that the interventions weren’t confined to YouTube –
they included search results delivered via Google Assistant, Google
Home, and in rare cases Google ’s organic search results.
In the thread, Aaronson attempted to explain how search blacklisting
worked. He claimed that highly specific searches would generate
non-blacklisted results, even controversial ones. But the inclusion of
highly specific terms in the YouTube blacklist, like “David Hogg cant
remember his lines” – the name of an actual viral video – seems to
contradict this.
Aaronson’s full post is copied below:
I work in Trust and Safety and while I have no particular input as to
exactly what’s happening for YT I can try to explain why you’d have
this kind of list and why people are finding lists like these on Code
When dealing with abuse/controversial content on various mediums you
have several levers to deal with problems. Two prominent levers are
“Proactive” and “Reactive”:
Proactive: Usually refers to some type of algorithm/scalable
solution to a general problem
E.g.: We don’t allow straight up porn on YouTube so we create
a classifier that detects porn and automatically remove or flag
for review the videos the porn classifier is most certain of
Reactive: Usually refers to a manual fix to something that has
been brought to our attention that our proactive solutions
don’t/didn’t work on and something that is clearly in the realm of
bad enough to warrant a quick targeted solution (determined by pages
and pages of policies worked on over many years and many teams to be
fair and cover necessary scope)
E,g.: A website that used to be a good blog had it’s domain
expire and was purchased/repurposed to spam Search results with
autogenerated pages full of gibberish text, scraped images, and
links to boost traffic to other spammy sites. It is manually
actioned for violating policy
Manually reacting to things is not very scalable, and is not an ideal
solution to most problems, so the proactive lever is really the one we
all like to lean on. Ideally, our classifiers/algorithm are good at
providing useful and rich results to our users while ignoring things
at are not useful or not relevant. But we all know, this isn’t exactly
the case all the time (especially on YouTube).
From a user perspective, there are subjects that are prone to
hyperbolic content, misleading information, and offensive content.
Now, these words are highly subjective and no one denies that. But we
can all agree generally, lines exist in many cultures about what is
clearly okay vs. what is not okay. E.g. a video of a puppy playing
with a toy is probably okay in almost every culture or context, even
if it’s not relevant to the query. But a video of someone committing
suicide and begging others to follow in his/her footsteps is probably
on the other side of the line for many folks.
While my second example is technically relevant to the generic query
of “suicide”, that doesn’t mean that this is a very useful or good
video to promote on the top of results for that query. So imagine a
classifier that says, for any queries on a particular text file, let’s
pull videos using signals that we historically understand to be strong
indicators of quality (I won’t go into specifics here, but those
signals do exist). We’re not manually curating these results, we’re
just saying “hey, be extra careful with results for this query because
many times really bad stuff can appear and lead to a bad experience
for most users”. Ideally the proactive lever did this for us, but in
extreme cases where we need to act quickly on something that is so
obviously not okay, the reactive/manual approach is sometimes
necessary. And also keep in mind, that this is different for every
product. The bar for changing classifiers or manual actions on span in
organic search is extremely high. However, the bar
for things we let our Google Assistant say out loud might be a lot
lower. If I search for “Jews run the banks” – I’ll likely find
anti-semitic stuff in organic search. As a Jew, I might find some of
these results offensive, but they are there for people to research and
view, and I understand that this is not a reflection of Google feels
about this issue. But if I ask Google assistant “Why do Jews run the
banks” we wouldn’t be similarly accepting if it repeated and promoted
conspiracy theories that likely pop up in organic search in her
smoothing voice.
Whether we agree or not, user perception of our responses, results,
and answers of different products and mediums can change. And I think
many people are used to the fact that organic search is a place where
content should be accessible no matter how offensive it might be,
however, the expectation is very different on a Google Home, a
Knowledge Panel, or even YouTube.
These lines are very difficult and can be very blurry, we are all
well aware of this. So we’ve got huge teams that stay cognizant of
these facts when we’re crafting policies considering classifier
changes, or reacting with manual actions – these decisions are not
made in a vacuum, but admittedly are also not made in a highly public
forum like TGIF or IndustryInfo (as you can imagine,
decisions/agreement would be hard to get in such a wide list – image
if all your CL’s were reviewed by every engineer across Google all the
time). I hope that answers some questions and gives a better layer of
transparency without going into details about our “Pepsi formula”.
The fact that Google manually curates politically contentious search
results fits in with a wider pattern of political activity on the part
of the tech giant.
Breitbart also leaked “The
Good Censor,” an internal research document from Google that
admits the tech giant is engaged in the censorship of its own products,
partly in response to political events.
Yet another showed Google engaged in targeted
turnout operations aimed to boost voter participation in
pro-Democrat demographics in “key states” ahead of the 2016 election.
The effort was dubbed a “silent donation” by a top Google employee.
Evidence for Google’s partisan activities is now overwhelming. President
Trump has previously warned Google, as well as other Silicon
Valley giants, not to engage in censorship or partisan activities.
Google continues to defy him.
Authorities in the UK have finally figured out that fake news stories
and Russian-placed ads are not the real problem. The UK Parliament is
about to impose stiff penalties—not on the people who place the ads or
write the stories, but on the Big Tech platforms that determine which
ads and stories people actually see.
Parliament’s plans will almost surely be energized by the latest leak
of damning material from inside Google’s fortress of secrecy: The Wall
Street Journal recently reported on emails exchanged among Google
employees in January 2017 in which they strategized about how to alter
Google search results and other “ephemeral experiences” to counter
President Donald Trump’s newly imposed travel ban. The company claims
that none of these plans was ever implemented, but who knows?
While U.S. authorities have merely held hearings, EU authorities have
taken dramatic steps in recent years to limit the powers of Big Tech,
most recently with a comprehensive law that protects user
privacy—theGeneral Data Protection Regulation—and a whopping $5.1
billion fine against Google for monopolistic practices in the mobile
device market. Last year, the European Union also levied a $2.7 billion
fineagainst Google for filtering and ordering search results in a way
that favored their own products and services. That filtering and
ordering, it turns out, is of crucial importance.
As years of research I’ve been conducting on online influence has shown,
content per se is not the real threat these days; what really matters is
(a) which content is selected for users to see, and (b) the way that
content is ordered in search results, search suggestions, newsfeeds,
message feeds, comment lists, and so on. That’s where the power lies to
shift opinions, purchases, and votes, and that power is held by a
disturbingly small group of people.
I say “these days” because the explosive growth of a handful of massive
platforms on the internet—the largest, by far, being Google and the next
largest being Facebook—has changed everything. Millions of people and
organizations are constantly trying to get their content in front of our
eyes, but for more than 2.5 billion people around the world—soon to be
more than 4 billion—the responsibility for what algorithms do should
always lie with the people who wrote the algorithms and the companies
that deployed them.
In randomized, controlled, peer-reviewed research I’ve conducted with
thousands of people, I’ve shown repeatedly that when people are
undecided, I can shift their opinions on just about any topic just by
changing how I filter and order the information I show them. I’ve also
shown that when, in multiple searches, I show people more and more
information that favors one candidate, I can shift opinions even
farther. Even more disturbing, I can do these things in ways that are
completely invisible to people and in ways that don’t leave paper trails
for authorities to trace.
Worse still, these new forms of influence often rely on ephemeral
content—information that is generated on the fly by an algorithm and
then disappears forever, which means that it would be difficult, if not
impossible, for authorities to reconstruct. If, on Election Day this
coming November, Mark Zuckerberg decides to broadcast go-out-and-vote
reminders mainly to members of one political party, how would we be able
to detect such a manipulation? If we can’t detect it, how would we be
able to reduce its impact? And how, days or weeks later, would we be
able to turn back the clock to see what happened?
Of course, companies like Google and Facebook emphatically reject the
idea that their search and newsfeed algorithms are being tweaked in ways
that could meddle in elections. Doing so would undermine the public’s
trust in their companies, spokespeople have said. They insist that their
algorithms are complicated, constantly changing, and subject to the
“organic” activity of users.
This is, of course, sheer nonsense. Google can adjust its algorithms to
favor any candidate it chooses no matter what the activity of users
might be, just as easily as I do in my experiments. As legal scholar
Frank Pasquale noted in his recent book “The Black Box Society,” blaming
algorithms just doesn’t cut it; the responsibility for what an algorithm
does should always lie with the people who wrote the algorithm and the
companies that deployed the algorithm. Alan Murray, president of
Fortune, recently framed the issue this way: “Rule one in the Age of AI:
Humans remain accountable for decisions, even when made by machines.”
Given that 95 percent of donations from Silicon Valley generally go to
Democrats, it’s hard to imagine that the algorithms of companies like
Facebook and Google don’t favor their favorite candidates. A newly
leaked video of a 2016 meeting at Google shows without doubt that
high-ranking Google executives share a strong political preference,
which could easily be expressed in algorithms. The favoritism might be
deliberately programmed or occur simply because of unconscious bias.
Either way, votes and opinions shift.
It’s also hard to imagine how, in any election in the world, with or
without intention on the part of company employees, Google search
results would fail to tilt toward one candidate. Google’s search
algorithm certainly has no equal-time rule built into it; we wouldn’t
want it to! We want it to tell us what’s best, and the algorithm will
indeed always favor one dog food over another, one music service over
another, and one political candidate over another. When the latter
happens … votes and opinions shift.
Here are 10 ways—seven of which I am actively studying and
quantifying—that Big Tech companies could use to shift millions of votes
this coming November with no one the wiser. Let’s hope, of course, that
these methods are not being used and will never be used, but let’s be
realistic too; there’s generally no limit to what people will do when
money and power are on the line.
1. Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME)
Ongoing research I began in January 2013 has shown repeatedly that when
one candidate is favored over another in search results, voting
preferences among undecided voters shift dramatically—by 20 percent or
more overall, and by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups. This
is partly because people place inordinate trust in algorithmically
generated output, thinking, mistakenly, that algorithms are inherently
objective and impartial.
But my research also suggests that we are conditioned to believe in
high-ranking search results in much the same way that rats are
conditioned to press levers in Skinner boxes. Because most searches are
for simple facts (“When was Donald Trump born?”), and because correct
answers to simple questions inevitably turn up in the first position, we
are taught, day after day, that the higher a search result appears in
the list, the more true it must be. When we finally search for
information to help us make a tough decision (“Who’s better for the
economy, Trump or Clinton?”), we tend to believe the information on the
web pages to which high-ranking search results link.
As The Washington Post reported last year, in 2016, I led a team that
developed a system for monitoring the election-related search results
Google, Bing, and Yahoo were showing users in the months leading up to
the presidential election, and I found pro-Clinton bias in all 10 search
positions on the first page of Google’s search results. Google
responded, as usual, that it has “never re-ranked search results on any
topic (including elections) to manipulate political sentiment”—but I
never claimed it did. I found what I found, namely that Google’s search
results favored Hillary Clinton; “re-ranking”—an obtuse term Google
seems to have invented to confuse people—is irrelevant.
Because (a) many elections are very close, (b) 90 percent of online
searches in most countries are conducted on just one search engine
(Google), and (c) internet penetration is high in most countries these
days—higher in many countries than it is in the United States—it is
possible that the outcomes ofupwards of 25 percent of the world’s
national elections are now being determined by Google’s search
algorithm, even without deliberate manipulation on the part of company
employees. Because, as I noted earlier, Google’s search algorithm is not
constrained by equal-time rules, it almost certainly ends up favoring
one candidate over another in most political races, and that shifts
opinions and votes.
2. Search Suggestion Effect (SSE)
When Google first introduced autocomplete search suggestions—those short
lists you see when you start to type an item into the Google search
bar—it was supposedly meant to save you some time. Whatever the original
rationale, those suggestions soon turned into a powerful means of
manipulation that Google appears to use aggressively.
My recent research suggests that (a) Google starts to manipulate your
opinions from the very first character you type, and (b) by fiddling
with the suggestions it shows you, Google can turn a 50–50 split among
undecided voters into a 90–10 split with no one knowing. I call this
manipulation the Search Suggestion Effect (SSE), and it is one of the
most powerful behavioral manipulations I have ever seen in my nearly 40
years as a behavioral scientist.
How will you know whether Google is messing with your election-related
search suggestions in the weeks leading up to the election? You won’t.
3. The Targeted Messaging Effect (TME)
If, on Nov. 8, 2016, Mr. Zuckerberg had sent go-out-and-vote reminders
just to supporters of Mrs. Clinton, that would likely have given her an
additional 450,000 votes. I’ve extrapolated that number from Facebook’s
own published data.
Because Zuckerberg was overconfident in 2016, I don’t believe he sent
those messages, but he is surely not overconfident this time around. In
fact, it’s possible that, at this very moment, Facebook and other
companies are sending out targeted register-to-vote reminders, as well
as targeted go-out-and-vote reminders in primary races. Targeted
go-out-and-vote reminders might also favor one party on Election Day in
My associates and I are building systems to monitor such things, but
because no systems are currently in place, there is no sure way to tell
whether Twitter, Google, and Facebook (or Facebook’s influential
offshoot, Instagram) are currently tilting their messaging. No law or
regulation specifically forbids the practice, and it would be an easy
and economical way to serve company needs. Campaign donations cost
money, after all, but tilting your messaging to favor one candidate is
4. Opinion Matching Effect (OME)
In March 2016, and continuing for more than seven months until Election
Day, Tinder’s tens of millions of users could not only swipe to find sex
partners, they could also swipe to find out whether they should vote for
Trump or Clinton. The website iSideWith.com—founded and run by “two
friends” with no obvious qualifications—claims to have helped more than
49 million people match their opinions to the right candidate. Both CNN
and USA Today have run similar services, currently inactive.
I am still studying and quantifying this type of, um, helpful service,
but so far it looks like (a) opinion matching services tend to attract
undecided voters—precisely the kinds of voters who are most vulnerable
to manipulation, and (b) they can easily produce opinion shifts of 30
percent or more without people’s awareness.
At this writing, iSideWith is already helping people decide who they
should vote for in the 2018 New York U.S. Senate race, the 2018 New York
gubernatorial race, the 2018 race for New York District 10 of the U.S.
House of Representatives, and, believe it or not, the 2020 presidential
race. Keep your eyes open for other matching services as they turn up,
and ask yourself this: Who wrote those algorithms, and how can we know
whether they are biased toward one candidate or party?
5. Answer Bot Effect (ABE)
More and more these days, people don’t want lists of thousands of search
results, they just want the answer, which is being supplied by personal
assistants like Google Home devices, the Google Assistant on Android
devices, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google’s featured
snippets—those answer boxesat the top of Google search results. I call
the opinion shift produced by such mechanisms the Answer Bot Effect
My research on Google’s answer boxes shows three things so far: First,
they reduce the time people spend searching for more information.
Second, they reduce the number of times people click on search results.
And third, they appear to shift opinions 10 to 30 percent more than
search results alone do. I don’t yet know exactly how many votes can be
shifted by answer bots, but in a national election in the United States,
the number might be in the low millions.
6. Shadowbanning
Recently, Trump complained that Twitter was preventing conservatives
from reaching many of their followers on that platform through
shadowbanning, the practice of quietly hiding a user’s posts without the
user knowing. The validity of Trump’s specific accusation is arguable,
but the fact remains that any platform on which people have followers or
friends can be rigged in a way to suppress the views and influence of
certain individuals without people knowing the suppression is taking
place. Unfortunately, without aggressive monitoring systems in place,
it’s hard to know for sure when or even whether shadowbanning is
7. Programmed Virality and the Digital Bandwagon Effect
Big Tech companies would like us to believe that virality on platforms
like YouTube or Instagram is a profoundly mysterious phenomenon, even
while acknowledging that their platforms are populated by tens of
millions of fake accounts that might affect virality.
In fact, there is an obvious situation in which virality is not
mysterious at all, and that is when the tech companies themselves decide
to shift high volumes of traffic in ways that suit their needs. And
aren’t they always doing this? Because Facebook’s algorithms are secret,
if an executive decided to bestow instant Instagram stardom on a
pro-Elizabeth Warren college student, we would have no way of knowing
that this was a deliberate act and no way of countering it.
The same can be said of the virality of YouTube videos and Twitter
campaigns; they are inherently competitive—except when company employees
or executives decide otherwise. Google has an especially powerful and
subtle way of creating instant virality using a technique I’ve dubbed
the Digital Bandwagon Effect. Because the popularity of websites drives
them higher in search results, and because high-ranking search results
increase the popularity of websites (SEME), Google has the ability to
engineer a sudden explosion of interest in a candidate or cause with no
one—perhaps even people at the companies themselves—having the slightest
idea they’ve done so. In 2015, I published a mathematical model showing
how neatly this can work.
8. The Facebook Effect
Because Facebook’s ineptness and dishonesty have squeezed it into a
digital doghouse from which it might never emerge, it gets its own
precinct on my list.
In 2016, I published an article detailing five ways that Facebook could
shift millions of votes without people knowing: biasing its trending
box, biasing its center newsfeed, encouraging people to look for
election-related material in its search bar (which it did that year!),
sending out targeted register-to-vote reminders, and sending out
targeted go-out-and-vote reminders.
I wrote that article before the news stories broke about Facebook’s
improper sharing of user data with multiple researchers and companies,
not to mention the stories about how the company permitted fake news
stories to proliferate on its platform during the critical days just
before the November election—problems the company is now trying hard to
mitigate. With the revelations mounting, on July 26, 2018, Facebook
suffered the largest one-day drop in stock value of any company in
history, and now it’s facing a shareholder lawsuit and multiple fines
and investigations in both the United States and the EU.
Facebook desperately needs new direction, which is why I recently called
for Zuckerberg’s resignation. The company, in my view, could benefit
from the new perspectives that often come with new leadership.
9. Censorship
I am cheating here by labeling one category “censorship,” because
censorship—the selective and biased suppression of information—can be
perpetrated in so many different ways.
Shadowbanning could be considered a type of censorship, for example, and
in 2016, a Facebook whistleblower claimed he had been on a company team
that was systematically removing conservative news stories from
Facebook’s newsfeed. Now, because of Facebook’s carelessness with user
data, the company is openly taking pride in rapidly shutting down
accounts that appear to be Russia-connected—even though company
representatives sometimes acknowledge that they “don’t have all the
Meanwhile, Zuckerberg has crowed about his magnanimity in preserving the
accounts of people who deny the Holocaust, never mentioning the fact
that provocative content propels traffic that might make him richer. How
would you know whether Facebook was selectively suppressing material
that favored one candidate or political party? You wouldn’t. (For a
detailed look at nine ways Google censors content, see my essay “The New
Censorship,” published in 2016.)
10. The Digital Customization Effect (DCE)
Any marketer can tell you how important it is to know your customer.
Now, think about that simple idea in a world in which Google has likely
collected the equivalent of millions of Word pages of information about
you. If you randomly display a banner ad on a web page, out of 10,000
people, only five are likely to click on it; that’s the CTR—the
“clickthrough rate” (0.05 percent). But if you target your ad,
displaying it only to people whose interests it matches, you can boost
your CTR a hundredfold.
That’s why Google, Facebook, and others have become increasingly
obsessed with customizing the information they show you: They want you
to be happily and mindlessly clicking away on the content they show you.
In the research I conduct, my impact is always larger when I am able to
customize information to suit people’s backgrounds. Because I know very
little about the participants in my experiments, however, I am able to
do so in only feeble ways, but the tech giants know everything about
you—even things you don’t know about yourself. This tells me that the
effect sizes I find in my experiments are probably too low. The impact
that companies like Google are having on our lives is quite possibly
much larger than I think it is. Perhaps that doesn’t scare you, but it
sure scares me.
The Same Direction
OK, you say, so much for Epstein’s list! What about those other
shenanigans we’ve heard about: voter fraud (Trump’s explanation for why
he lost the popular vote), gerrymandering, rigged voting machines,
targeted ads placed by Cambridge Analytica, votes cast over the
internet, or, as I mentioned earlier, those millions of bots designed to
shift opinions. What about hackers like Andrés Sepúlveda, who spent
nearly a decade using computer technology to rig elections in Latin
America? What about all the ways new technologies make dirty tricks
easier in elections? And what about those darn Russians, anyway?
To all that I say: kid stuff. Dirty tricks have been around since the
first election was held millennia ago. But unlike the new manipulative
tools controlled by Google and Facebook, the old tricks are
competitive—it’s your hacker versus my hacker, your bots versus my bots,
your fake news stories versus my fake news stories—and sometimes
illegal, which is why Sepúlveda’s efforts failed many times and why
Cambridge Analytica is dust.
“Cyberwar,” a new book by political scientist Kathleen Hall Jamieson,
reminds us that targeted ads and fake news stories can indeed shift
votes, but the numbers are necessarily small. It’s hard to overwhelm
your competitor when he or she can play the same games you are playing.
Now, take a look at my numbered list. The techniques I’ve described can
shift millions of votes without people’s awareness, and because they are
controlled by the platforms themselves, they are entirely
noncompetitive. If Google or Facebook or Twitter wants to shift votes,
there is no way to counteract their manipulations. In fact, at this
writing, there is not even a credible way of detecting those
And what if the tech giants are all leaning in the same political
direction? What if the combined weight of their subtle and untraceable
manipulative power favors one political party? If 150 million people
vote this November in the United States, with 20 percent still undecided
at this writing (that’s 30 million people), I estimate that the combined
weight of Big Tech manipulations could easily shift upwards of 12
million votes without anyone knowing. That’s enough votes to determine
the outcomes of hundreds of close local, state, and congressional races
throughout the country, which makes the free-and-fair election little
more than an illusion.
Full disclosure: I happen to think that the political party currently in
favor in Silicon Valley is, by a hair (so to speak), the superior party
at the moment. But I also love America and democracy, and I believe that
the free-and-fair election is the bedrock of our political system. I
don’t care how “right” these companies might be; lofty ends do not
justify shady means, especially when those means are difficult to see
and not well understood by either authorities or the public.
Can new regulations or laws save us from the extraordinary powers of
manipulation the Big Tech companies now possess? Maybe, but our leaders
seem to be especially regulation-shy these days, and I doubt, in any
case, whether laws and regulations will ever be able to keep up with the
new kinds of threats that new technologies will almost certainly pose in
coming years.
I don’t believe we are completely helpless, however. I think that one
way to turn Facebook, Google, and the innovative technology companies
that will succeed them, into responsible citizens is to set
upsophisticated monitoring systems that detect, analyze, and archive
what they’re showing people—in effect, to fight technology with
As I mentioned earlier, in 2016, I led a team that monitored search
results on multiple search engines. That was a start, but we can do much
better. These days, I’m working with business associates and academic
colleagues on three continents to scale up systems to monitor a wide
range of information the Big Tech companies are sharing with their
users—even the spoken answers provided by personal assistants.
Ultimately, a worldwide ecology of passive monitoring systems will make
these companies accountable to the public, with information bias and
online manipulation detectable in real time.
With November drawing near, there is obviously some urgency here. At
this writing, it’s not clear whether we will be fully operational in
time to monitor the midterm elections, but we’re determined to be ready
for 2020.
- Robert Epstein is a senior research psychologist at the American
Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology in California. Epstein,
who holds a doctorate from Harvard University, is the former
editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and has published 15 books and more
than 300 articles on internet influence and other topics. He is
currently working on a book called “Technoslavery: Invisible Influence
in the Internet Age and Beyond.” His research is featured in the new
documentary “The Creepy Line.” You can find him on Twitter @DrREpstein.
Compiled by the team at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) for
McSweeney’s, this collection features writing by luminaries like Cory
Doctorow, Gabriella Coleman, Edward Snowden, Bruce Schneier, and many
more. Among the gems within is a conversation between artist Trevor
Paglen and journalist Julia Angwin, with Paglen having this to say about
the intersection of freedom and privacy:
“I think I had the sense of growing up within structures that
didn’t work for me and feeling like there was a deep injustice around
that. Feeling like the world was set up to move you down certain paths
and to enforce certain behaviors and norms [didn’t] work for me, and
realizing that the value of this word formerly known as privacy,
otherwise known as liberty, plays not only at the scale of
the individual, but also as a kind of public resource that allows for
the possibility of, on one hand, experimentation, but then, on the
other hand, things like civil liberties and self-representation.”
Schneier’s latest book is a sobering account of the pitfalls of modern
technology. It covers a lot of ground, such as the huge gap between
security and implementation in Internet-of-Things devices. The author
has a gift for raising questions that cause the reader to rethink the
underlying technology behind seemingly-simple tech, like
network-connected baby monitors:
“They’re surveillance devices by design, and can pick up a lot more
than a baby’s cries. Of course, I had a lot of security questions. How
is the audio and video transmission secured? What’s the encryption
algorithm? How are encryption keys generated, and who has copies of
them? If data is stored on the cloud, how long is it stored and how is
it secured? How does the smartphone app, if the monitor uses one,
authenticate to the cloud server?”
Granick gives the reader a real sense of just how big, and just how
pervasive, U.S. intelligence programs really are. The author doesn’t
stop with government programs, however, and calls out Big Tech for its
major role in population surveillance:
“Spying is thriving not only because of technology, but also
because of modern business models. Much of the modern privacy problem
is the result of people giving up their data – knowingly or otherwise
– to obtain cool new products and services.”
This is a now-classic rumination on the deeply important role of
privacy in autonomy and freedom. It quickly demolishes the “nothing to
hide argument”, a constant refrain in today’s privacy debates, and
continues to shed light on social and legal dimensions of surveillance.
Here, Solove highlights contradictory perceptions of audio and video
“The electronic-surveillance statutes strongly protect against the
government’s eavesdropping on your conversations but don’t protect
against the government’s watching you. This distinction doesn’t make a
lot of sense. Video surveillance involves similar threats to privacy
as audio surveillance. As one court noted: ‘Television surveillance is
identical in its indiscriminate character to wiretapping and bugging.
It is even more invasive of privacy… but it is not more
indiscriminate: the microphone is as ‘dumb’ as the television camera;
both devices pick up anything within their electronic reach, however
irrelevant to the investigation.'”
Angwin is no stranger to the many facets of surveillance capitalism,
and this book is just as prescient now as it was five years ago. In that
time, the author’s concerns have been validated, with the pace of Big
Tech’s blunders only escalating. Angwin keeps the human element in
constant view, giving vital context to headlines about privacy and data
“Skeptics say: ‘What’s wrong with all of our data being collected
by unseen watchers? Who is being harmed?’ Admittedly, it can be
difficult to demonstrate personal harm from a data breach. If Sharon
or Bilal is denied a job or insurance, they may never know which piece
of data caused the denial. People placed on the no-fly list are never
informed about the data that contributed to the decision. But, on a
larger scale, the answer is simple: troves of personal data can and
will be abused.”
Stallman’s status as an icon in the Free/Libre world is often the focus
of press. Bootstrapping GNU and the Free Software movement was no small
feat, but there is too little focus on Stallman’s writing. The author’s
philosophy is grounded in practical concerns and explained with a clear
and mindful tone that few writers possess. This most recent edition of
Stallman’s collected essays describes just how important liberty is in
the contemporary digital context:
“If ‘cloud computing’ has a meaning, it is not a way of doing
computing, but rather a way of thinking about computing: a
devil-may-care approach which says, ‘Don’t ask questions. Don’t worry
about who controls your computing or who holds your data. Don’t check
for a hook hidden inside our service before you swallow it. Trust
companies without hesitation.’ In other words, ‘Be a sucker.’”
In this report from the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC),
Brooks provides a broad overview of the cybersecurity landscape. This is
a great introduction for industry professionals and consumers alike,
though it focuses on civil organizations that are often targeted for
political reasons. The report’s citations are a valuable resource in
their own right, providing context as well as technological solutions.
The author is quick to point out lackluster investment in cybersecurity
in both the public and private spheres, describing the vicious cycle
this creates:
“The broad asymmetry between attackers and defenders online is
unsurprising; politically vulnerable organizations lack resources and
are therefore particularly under-protected. This problem is not unique
to politically vulnerable organizations. Many public and private
organizations have underinvested in cybersecurity and have become soft
targets for criminals and other bad actors. Online attackers have
continued to develop their offensive capabilities, exacerbating the
This story of the rise and fall of biotech startup Theranos is a
page-turner, described here with all the detail of investigative
journalism. Carreyrou’s most interesting passages are those where the
author describes the culture of Silicon Valley, where fraudulent CEO
Elizabeth Holmes was desperately trying to fill the mold of her Big Tech
“For a young entrepreneur building a business in the heart of
Silicon Valley, it was hard to escape the shadow of Steve Jobs. By
2007, Apple’s founder had cemented his legend in the technology world
and in American society at large… to anyone who spent time with
Elizabeth, it was clear that she worshipped Jobs and Apple.”
Decades after the legendary whistleblower disclosed the Pentagon Papers
to the American public, Ellsberg’s warnings will still ring alarm bells
and shock the reader. Through first-hand accounts, the author chronicles
the nuclear program of the 1960’s and the dangers of the present day,
describing the contrasting roles of secrecy and transparency, as well as
their relationship to trust:
“Like discussion of covert operations and assassination plots,
nuclear war plans and threats are taboo for public discussion by the
small minority of officials and consultants who know anything about
them. In addition to their own sense of identity as trustworthy
keepers of these most-sensitive secrets, there is a strong careerist
aspect to their silence.”
This collection of articles spans the gamut from street protests to
online “hacktivism” to Free and Open-Source collaboration. The editors
expertly summarize the transdisciplinary tone of the volume in an
introductions that’s worth contemplating in its own right. Among other
issues, Gabriella Coleman describes Kate Crawford’s work on the power
and scale of spying:
“Ubiquitous surveillance facilitated by [information
and communications technology or ICTs] – what Crawford
designates as ‘algorithmic listening’ – and the gathering of personal
data currently operated by web-based corporations (commercial
surveillance) and governments (the NSA program, for example) are not
simply matters of privacy but also of scale and lack of
Published at a time when “Big Data” was more of a buzzword than a
factor of everyday life, this book is a quick and easy introduction to
the perils of the data economy. The lessons would seem dated if they
weren’t still applicable, and there’s perhaps nothing more prescient
than the fact that data can not only be sold by Big Tech to business
partners, it can be given away:
“While the IP stakeholders have been busy redefining “privacy” for
their own ends, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and others have been equally
busy making billions of dollars collecting your data and using it for
targeted advertising. Of course, any company or organization that
collects data can offer it for sale or free.”
Farivar exposes the role of common, household tech in the global
surveillance apparatus, diving into the court cases and legal precedent
that shapes the scope and limits of privacy and security. Above all, the
author steeps his analysis in history, with quotes from legal
heavyweights like Louis Brandeis, here discussing wiretaps in a famous
dissenting opinion:
“‘The progress of science in furnishing the Government with means
of espionage is not likely to stop with wiretapping,’ Brandeis wrote.
‘Ways may someday be developed by which the Government, without
removing papers from secret drawers, can reproduce them in court, and
by which it will be enabled to expose to a jury the most intimate
occurrences of the home.'”
“That’s right and of course in most elections,
especially close ones, it’s the undecided people who determine the
outcome of the election, so if you can swing a lot of undecided people
— and Google has at least three ways
to do that that we’re studying,” responded Epstein.
can drive millions of votes to a
candidate with no one the wiser. ... By ROBERT EPSTEIN.
August 19 ... of each candidate and then asked how much they liked and
trusted each candidate and whom they would vote
Epstein's paper
combines a few years' worth of experiments in which Epstein
... The team calls that number the "vote
manipulation power," or VMP. ... It'd be easy to go
all 1970s-political-thriller on this research, to assume that ...
His latest research looks at how search
engines can affect voters by
suggesting negative or positive search terms when a political
candidate’s name is entered into the search bar. Dr. Epstein’s
research found that when negative search terms are suggested for a …
People trust the “unbiased” internet search
giant Google so much it can ...
Clinton for president, prominent US psychologist and author Robert Epstein told ... All they have to do is
send out “Go out and vote”
reminders to Hillary ...